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Prioritizing mental wellbeing – Why is it not a choice but a necessity

By Donna Dick

At Three Sisters Consulting, mental health is a paramount. As an organization that empowers Indigenous communities and facilitates relationships between businesses and Indigenous peoples, we understand the importance of caring for a person – not just one side or aspect of their life but as a whole. Mental health and wellness checks are crucial to the success of our team and the work we do.

Mental health is a topic that is often brushed aside in the workplace, with a focus solely on productivity and results. However, at Three Sisters, we understand that caring for the mental health of our team members is directly proportional to productivity. When employees feel supported and heard, they are more likely to be productive and produce high-quality work. This is why we make sure to incorporate mental health supports into the way we do things.

As an Operations Manager at Three Sisters Consulting, I make sure to check in with my team members regularly. We encourage taking time for oneself, regular breaks, and self-care ideas such as meditation, exercise, and hobbies. Mental health days are also encouraged when needed. This helps create a work environment that is not only productive but also supportive and caring.

Our mental wellness initiatives are rooted in Indigenous cultural values. The values of community, connection, and spirituality are at the heart of all that we do. At Three Sisters Consulting, we believe that the holistic wellbeing of the individual is important for the collective success of the team. This is why we incorporate traditional practices into our mental wellness initiatives. For example, beginning meetings with a smudge ceremony, which is a traditional Indigenous practice of burning sage to purify the space and create a sense of calm and clarity. We also encourage our team members to connect with the land and nature through activities such as hiking, camping, and gardening and facilitate time in nature with team building exercises like retreats on Indigenous lands and with Indigenous communities.

As an Indigenous-led organization, we understand the unique challenges that Indigenous peoples face when it comes to mental health. Historical trauma, racism, and discrimination are just some of the factors that can contribute to poor mental health. This is why we prioritize mental wellness in all of our work. We strive to create a safe and supportive space where team members can share their experiences and feelings without fear of judgement or discrimination.

Incorporating mental health supports into the workplace is not only beneficial for employees but also for the organization as a whole. When employees feel supported and valued, they are more likely to be loyal to the organization and stay for the long term. This helps create a stable and productive work environment.

Mental health is a priority at Three Sisters Consulting. We understand that caring for the mental wellbeing of our team members is crucial for the success of the organization. We incorporate mental wellness initiatives rooted in Indigenous cultural values to create a supportive and caring work environment. Our focus on mental health and wellbeing not only benefits our team members but also the success of the organization as a whole.

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