Delivered Project
CAA Club - Land Acknowledgement Policy
In 2021, in alignment with its commitment to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Call to Act #92, the CAA Club Group (CCG) crafted a preliminary corporate Land Acknowledgement Policy. To ensure the policy's cultural sensitivity and accuracy, CAA partnered with Three Sisters Consulting, to meticulously review and validate the Land Acknowledgement Policy. This process involved collaborating with Indigenous communities and governments, fostering meaningful conversations about the historical and contemporary land connections, accurate terminology, and proper pronunciations. 

Justice Canada – Indigenous Justice Strategy
In cooperation with provincial/territorial partners, Justice Canada continues to develop the national Indigenous Justice Strategy to address systemic discrimination and overrepresentation of Indigenous people within the justice system. Through our sister agency, KÅ«wiingu-néewul Engagement Services (KES), our consultancy was tasked with providing planning, outreach, engagement facilitation, and reporting services to ensure broad participation of Indigenous Nations, organizations, communities, and individuals in the development of the justice initiative.

Three Sisters Consulting assisted in the development of Human Resource advocacy materials, contributing to the OFIFC’s ‘Decent Work Toolkit’ utilized by Friendship Centres across the province of Ontario. This resource was devised to inform funding partners and related non-governmental organizations of the inherent value of Friendship Centre work within the community, and calls attention to the wealth of specialized skills and knowledge held by Centre personnel in supporting First Nations, Inuit, and Métis citizens. The final report by Three Sisters, informed by on-site interviews and a staff survey, provided the OFIFC with first-person testimonials and concrete employment data to advocate for an increase in Friendship Centre funding.

RCMP-RICCA Human Resources
The RCMP’s Indigenous, Collaboration, Co-Development and Accountability (RICCA) unit was created in 2021 to advance reconciliation efforts and proactively respond to the unique needs of Indigenous RCMP members and Indigenous communities more broadly. By way of our partner agency, KÅ«wiingu-néewul Engagement Services (KES), our consultancy was tasked with outreach, engagement facilitation, and reporting services to assist the RCMP-RICCA in furthering discussions on RCMP recruitment and retention of Indigenous members.